The journey to self-love is paved with tears.
It is paved with difficult conversations.
With dead one-sided fantasies.
With refusing to accept halves.
The journey to self-love is paved with broken hearts.
With promises that never came to be.
With a thousand broken last straws.
With having to choose myself above it all.
The journey to self-love is putting my foot down.
Embracing reality for what it is and not for what I thought it should be.
It is forgiving my present self.
It is hugging my inner child.
The journey to self love is embracing myself.
When I was used to prioritizing everyone else.
It is sleepless nights and a mirage that starts to fade.
It is the last kiss I will never have again.
The journey to self-love is the hardest trip I've ever taken.
Knowing with unwavering certainty it will be the most rewarding.